Crystals and Amethysts can be found in the new cave types in Minecraft 1.17, with Amethysts letting off a nice, soothing noise when you walk on their blocks.To make matters worse, its heavy hits ignore any armor you’ve got and deal damage straight to your health hearts, so watch out.

They’re completely blind, but will track you down by feeling the vibration of your footsteps and any objects you might throw. They’re often found specifically in dark, underground areas. The Warden is a new mob type that will be found in the Deep Dark biome.These can be used to make a musical instrument which sounds like the horn at the start of a raid. It can also ram blocks nearby, and if it does it can drop a Goat Horn. Goats can be found on cliffs and can jump up to two blocks in height. The absolute MVP of the animal kingdom is coming to Minecraft.When the squid is hit, it squirts inks and quickly escapes. Glow Squids drop glowing ink sacs, which can be used to make glow-in-the-dark text on signs.